05.08.2015 | Comments (0) | HTML/CSS
Recently I was working on a HTML project where I had to show a popup window in the center of the screen, overlaying the page with a dimmed background. The popup itself had to be resizable proportionally and work in browsers on mobile devices (iOS, Android) and desktops.
I’ll reproduce a bare-bones solution here so you can implement in your own project. See a demo here.
First, for the dimmed background, create a 2×2 px image. Fill it with black and set its opacity to 70%. Save it as a PNG with transparency and name it OverlayBgr.png.
In your HTML, add the code for the popup with overlay:
<div id="overlay"> <div class="popup"> I am a popup. </div> </div>
This will create a container div for the dark background overlay with a popup inside.
In CSS, add this:
#overlay { position: fixed; background: url("OverlayBgr.png"); background-repeat: repeat; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 10000; } #overlay .popup { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: auto; width: 50%; height: 50%; background-color: white; }
The above CSS sets OverlayBgr.png as the background image for the overlay div and repeats its so it fills the whole page. The z-index property is important — it makes the whole div the topmost layer so it covers the rest of the page. I set z-index to 10000 but the number doesn’t matter as long as it’s higher than any other z-index you’re using. Since it’s covering the page, this will also prevent clicks (or taps) on the content that’s in the background which is probably what you want.
In #overlay .popup I set width and height to percentage values so that the popup resizes proportionally according to the size of the screen.